Wednesday, 26 September 2012

One Leg In

I shaved one leg yesterday. I wanted to shave both but ran out of time. It's the biggest cross-dressing thing I've done since starting this blog. I feel ashamed.

I thought it might be an interesting experiment to see how long it takes for my shaven leg to look normal again.

That's not why I shave my leg though. It's getting colder and I usually shave my legs when it's cold. I have since my university days. It's easy to hide girly legs when it's cold.

But back to my experiment. Could I turn a hiccup up into a learning opportunity?

Unfortunately I shaved the other leg later too.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Hard Work

Yesterday I really wanted to dress up. It had been a busy day with loads of thinking time and when I finally got home I was pretty well focused on the idea. Luckily I had a massive amount of chores to do. Dishes, rubbish, other writing commitments and church meetings. This kept me out of the closet.

Today I feel relieved. I've pushed through some temptations and made it on to the other side. You have to take these things as they come, you can't just change over night.

The lesson here is that hard work helps. "The devil makes work for idle hands" is a truism we should never forget. Besides, a man should be the provider.